Lynne Blackburn

Working mostly with screen printing, and perhaps as a response to the precision required to edition other artists prints, Lynne’s work has evolved into an abstract, spontaneous and painterly approach to the technique. She paints directly onto blank screens to create series’ of multi-layered, unique, monoprints, printing a succession of layers of semi-transparent ink to build up colour and texture. The colours and mark making used are inspired by the apparent dichotomy between the Essex countryside, in which Lynne’s studio is set, and the urban landscape of East London where she lives. Her daily journey between the two is echoed in the structure of the prints with the layering suggesting distance; the constantly changing landscape, both urban and rural; the passing of time; and the traces of human activity on the land and on buildings.

Recently Lynne has been adding handwritten or screenprinted text to many of prints. The words and phrases she uses explore her lived experience of being a female artist, the frustrations and tribulations of aging and of trying to maintain an artistic practice whilst also running a business. The artist tries to articulate these, hopefully relatable, feelings with humour whilst also expressing exasperation with herself and modern life!


More Info:

LOOP Online Exhibition:

LOOP 2024 LOOP 2023
LOOP 2022 LOOP 2021