Preeti Sood

This spirit of technological innovation has encouraged me to explore contemporary laser technology in conjunction with traditionally practiced printmaking processes. This body of work is focused on my practice-based research located within Fine Art, revolving around notions of Absence and Presence, whereby I explore the concept of “GLOCAL” (Global + Local) within an urban landscape in the context of India where I grew up and Britain where I now live. After my shifting here, I was impressed by similarities and contradictions between the two distinct city spaces of Delhi and London. My practice has evolved into an exploration of this sense of displacement experienced by individuals inhabiting two disparate cultures, through the medium of print. From initial photographic research I started using a wide and experimental range of printmaking techniques to devise location specific installations, exploring my inherent cultural and ideological notions and preconceptions of England.

The similarities with Delhi fuelled my fascination with poster images. I seek not to alter but to catalogue them and photography has become a key element to this process. What intrigues me most is how these decaying images layered up represent the contrast of a decaying past and a living present. This inspired me to use laser machine as a tool to engrave and etch on to the paper directly with the use of digital matrix. I strive to use this format of etching on to paper and converting it into a delicate tissue like image to communicate my own message of feeling torn and displaced between cultures through my work.